GUI Control creation functions Reference

Below is a complete list of the functions available in AutoIt. Click on a function name for a detailed description.

See Gui Constants include files if you need to use the related controls Constants .


Function Description
GUICtrlCreateAvi Creates an AVI video control for the GUI.
GUICtrlCreateButton Creates a Button control for the GUI.
GUICtrlCreateCheckbox Creates a Checkbox control for the GUI.
GUICtrlCreateCombo Creates a ComboBox control for the GUI.
GUICtrlCreateContextMenu Creates a context menu for a control or entire GUI window.
GUICtrlCreateDate Creates a date control for the GUI.
GUICtrlCreateDummy Creates a Dummy control for the GUI.
GUICtrlCreateEdit Creates an Edit control for the GUI.
GUICtrlCreateGraphic Creates a Graphic control for the GUI.
GUICtrlCreateGroup Creates a Group control for the GUI.
GUICtrlCreateIcon Creates an Icon control for the GUI.
GUICtrlCreateInput Creates an Input control for the GUI.
GUICtrlCreateLabel Creates a static Label control for the GUI.
GUICtrlCreateList Creates a List control for the GUI.
GUICtrlCreateListView Creates a ListView control for the GUI.
GUICtrlCreateListViewItem Creates a ListView item.
GUICtrlCreateMenu Creates a Menu control for the GUI.
GUICtrlCreateMenuItem Creates a MenuItem control for the GUI.
GUICtrlCreateMonthCal Creates a month calendar control for the GUI.
GUICtrlCreateObj Creates an ActiveX control in the GUI.
GUICtrlCreatePic Creates a Picture control for the GUI.
GUICtrlCreateProgress Creates a Progress control for the GUI.
GUICtrlCreateRadio Creates a Radio button control for the GUI.
GUICtrlCreateSlider Creates a Slider control for the GUI.
GUICtrlCreateTab Creates a Tab control for the GUI.
GUICtrlCreateTabItem Creates a TabItem control within an existing tab control in the GUI.
GUICtrlCreateTreeView Creates a TreeView control for the GUI.
GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem Creates a TreeViewItem control for the GUI.
GUICtrlCreateUpdown Creates an UpDown control for the GUI.
GUICtrlDelete Deletes a control.